Community, community, community. Sometimes I HATE this word. Community has made this year extremely frustrating. Lately I have been QUICK to get not only frustrated but downright angry. I can't really seem to figure out why I am so angry. Last night Ben and I were reading James 1.
Everyone should be quick to listen,
slow to speak and slow to become angry,
for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
I realized I've been doing the opposite of all these things. Lately I refuse to listen and I am quick to speak and you wouldn't believe how fast I can become enraged!!!
Not only does this not bring about a righteous life it brings about a miserable life. It is SO easy for me to get on a roll with my complaining. And complaining leads to frustration, which lead to anger.
Community is hard. Sometimes I don't think I am cut out for this lifestyle. It's much easier to live independently. Then I can do what I want when I want how I want. But really, deep down, way way deep down, I know I long for something more.
I should've fasted from complaining for Lent. (Nah, there's no way you could go 40 days w/o complaining here!)
Life Insurance Psych Out
14 hours ago
Funny...I fasted from complaining and negativity during Lent when we did MY. It was TOUGH WORK!