Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gummy bears vs. Reality

Living in Mission Year, vs. talking about doing Mission Year year are two very different things.

Moving in with people I haven't met, sure no problem, I love new friends.

Sharing your your car, sure I'll be fine with others "borrowing" MY car.

Creating a budget with people I just met, no problem budgeting sounds like something I need to learn.

Planning meals with my new roommates, how fun! Besides I'm SURE we will like the SAME foods, it will be EASY!

Following Rules and answering to someone other than my principal, su.....WAIT WHAT??????

Please don't think I am complaining. I'm not. I am so glad we are a part of Mission Year. But it's far more challenging than I imagined. The things I thought would be the easiest, well they aren't. The one thing I have discovered is that I am very easygoing, fun, flexible, and happy... When things are going MY way!!!! Having roommates has exposed me for the selfish person I really am!

It's hard give up my way of doing things. I've had 29 years of life and almost 3 years of marriage to create a nice routine for myself. I'm used to doings things on my time (if I do them at all!) The hardest thing so far for me has been living into a schedule. It's not even a bad schedule. But it is a schedule nevertheless!

Ex 1 6 am prayer 2 mornings a week. Prayer is good, but 6am, come on people.
It's actually not as bad as it started out. At first it was 3 mornings a week and on 2 of the day we had to walk about 1/2 mile to and from the house where the prayers were held. Now we only have to walk 1/2 a mile to and from 1 morning a week.

Ex 2 2 nights a weeks we have community meals @ 6 o'clock. I really enjoy this time. But I am used to eating dinner whenever I get around to it. Or whenever Ben tell's me he's hungry! And when I do cook, I cook the food that I picked out. It's not like that anymore. At least 2 nights a week I am eating meals that others have prepared. Thankfully I am not that picky, but still it's an adjustment. And I only thought making a list and grocery shopping were bad before. At least when I shopped before I had complete freedom in what I purchased. Now I don't. I can't tell you how hard it is to deny myself gummy worms, organic boneless, skinnless, chicken breast, real maple syrup, expensive mozzarella cheese, the cracker isle, the chip isle.... Basically all the things I love and don't need. It's not that I can't indulge myself (that's why we get monthly stipends) but shopping is different and much harder.

I'm will grow into this lifestyle, and I do want to. But I have a feeling I'll have to sneak a few gummy bears along the way.


  1. Hey Mon! I found your blog! Yeah! I miss you so much and want to mail you some gummy bears... how do I do that? Let me know and I'll throw in a bag of raw noodles and Snyder's pretzels!!

  2. 1712 Jackson Street
    LaGrange, GA 30240

    You can leave out the noodles, I've moved on to less gross things!!! I miss you.
