Monday, May 3, 2010

Green smoothies

Lately we have had an enormous amount of spinach and other leafy greens from the garden. Right now we even have strawberries! We recently acquired a blender and Margareta made a spinach and Swiss chard drink. I was a little hesitant to try the pea green drink, but it actually was awesome! It did smell a bit like weeds, but it tasted great! I been making myself spinach smoothies lately. Spinach, banana, and strawberry is my current favorite! I don't think we would ever use up all the spinach if we didn't make smoothies! Having a abundance of leafy greens isn't so bad after all! I'm not saying I am ready to become a gardener myself, I don't exactly have a green thumb, (but the smoothies do give me green lips!) Maybe one day though!

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