Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gardening is Dangerous.

Gardening can be dangerous. I have been trying to do some gardening with the neighborhood kids after school. Yesterday after watering the plants on the way to turn the hose off I had an unfortunate encounter with the fence. I walked right into the steel door of the fence and somehow gashed my forehead. Almost instantly my hands were covered in blood, right in front of all the kids. After I clean myself up had actually looked at the cut I saw it wasn't really that bad, but man on man it hurt like you know what. Today I wore a big band-aid on my head and and looked really cool. I had to keep telling the story of my clumsiness over and over. I kinda have a feeling my head is gonna turn purple and bruise. I just hope I don't have a huge scar. This wasn't really the tattoo I hoped to get this year!

Even though gardening can be dangerous, it can also be delicious. We planted strawberries several months ago and they are now ready to eat. MMMMM good!

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