Monday, December 7, 2009


We are now in the second week of advent. I really didn't know much about this liturgical season until I started working at St. Gregory in 2006. Advent was one of my favorite times of the year at St. Gregory. Every morning we would gather around our advent wreath and listen to scripture of the day. Every Monday we would gather as a student body to reflect on the symbolism of the candles, Hope, Peace, and Joy. Advent means coming or arrival. The focus of the advent season is on the arrival of Jesus. It's unfortunate that in today's world we only focus on the coming of company, parties, gifts, and Santa. For most of us, even Christians, advent is rarely our focus during this holiday season. I know I have taken Jesus' birth for granted far too many times. Of course I know "Jesus is the reason for the season" but I'm not sure I can actually say I thought much more about it than that. But which season are we referring to? I had heard of advent but I just thought it was another word for Christmas. Christmas is kind of like the culminating event during Advent, it's the celebration we were waiting for! But I think Advent itself is the joyful anticipation of Christmas or the birth of the Messiah. This year I want to truly reflect on the true meaning of Advent and not just the busyness of the Christmas holidays. More to come on this later.

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