Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School Days

It's different being a part of a school, but not actually being the classroom teacher. I have almost finished my second week at Unity Elementary. Unity is a Title one school and about 90% poverty and minority. Fortunately, the faculty and staff are wonderful and have been nothing but welcoming to me. My role this year is to work on reading at math skills with kids functioning well below grade level. The good news is I get to work with small groups. The bad news is all of my wonderful teaching materials are packed away in boxes in my parents basement. I making due though! I'm glad there isn't a teacher store in LaGrange I would be too tempted to run out and buy a bunch of new things!

It's definitely a change from St. Gregory. While St. Gregory will always be my favorite school, I am thankful there are other schools, Title 1 schools at that, that have a school environment that is just as positive. I've spent the past two days meeting my students and assessing their ability. Hopefully my time with them will pull them up to their correct grade level. If anything though, I hope I can be an encourager. I am so thankful I will be a small group teacher this year. I believe these students will truly benefit from small group instruction and one on one interactions. Today I was able to just sit and talk with some of the fourth graders. That's what they need; positive attention. I am blessed to have my service site at a school this year.

Visit Unity Elementary


  1. Hey Mon! Well, I know you are doing what God wants you to do - whether you have your teaching materials or not- and He will equip you! Thank you for being obedient to Him. You are an inspiration to me. I think of you often! Love the blog!

  2. Thanks Mandy! I think I'll use this blog more than the other one. I miss you guys!
